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Building for Tomorrow
Gymsport Clinic

Sydney  |  1st - 3rd December 2023
Sydney Gymnastics and Aquatics Centre

12 North Parade, Rooty Hill


Acrobatic, Men's, Trampoline and Women's Gymnastics


Click on each timetable below for more detailed view of each day

SGAC Detailed Schedule Sat.png

Apparatus Content  


  • Floor - Dima Kachan
    Double saltos with/without twists
    SNR: Double salto FWDs & BWDs with multiple twists

  • Pommel - David Phillips
    Loops, stocklis & introductory flops
    SNR: Advanced flops

  • Rings - Igor Bespalov
    Basic rings strength
    SNR: Advanced rings strength

  • Vault/Tramp - Jack Coates
    Developing the Kasamatsu vault
    SNR: Building the twists

  • Parallel Bars - John Curtin
    Developing the felge
    SNR: Felge to handstand & other variations

  • High Bar - Hiro Sato
    Releases and Dismounts



  • Artistic Preparation - Stacey Umeh
    Develop and enhance all gymnastic elements through essential Artistic Preparation. Tools to deliver a high quality, robust artistry training syllabus in your club.

  • Bars - David Kikuchi
    Working on the essentials of Circle skill variations (Stalder, Endo, Wieler) for connections.

  • Beam - Amanda Tambakopoulos
    Finishing strong through developing strong B
    eam Dismounts

  • Floor Tumbling - Josh Fabian
    Combination tumbling to maximise D Scores

SGAC Detailed Schedule Sun.png

Apparatus Content  


  • Floor - Hiro Sato
    Developing basic connections
    SNR: Advanced connections

  • Pommel - Jack Coates
    Basic russian wendes inc dismounts
    SNR: Advanced russians including with travels

  • Rings - John Curtin
    Developing Giant Swings
    SNR: Using bail for advanced dismounts

  • Parallel Bars - David Phillips
    Diamidov and healy development
    SNR: Diamidov and healy to and from 1 rail

  • High Bar - Igor Bespalov
    Basic inbar skills
    SNR: Advanced inbar skills

  • Artistic Preparation - Stacey Umeh
    Develop and enhance all gymnastic elements through essential Artistic Preparation. Tools to deliver a high quality, robust artistry training syllabus in your club.



  • Bars - David Kikuchi

  • Close bar elements (Stalder, Endo, Wieler) into releases to gain connections

  • Beam - Amanda Tambakopoulos
    Dance connection variations to maximise D-Scores

  • Floor Tumbling - Dima Kachan
    Double Saltos (Double layout, Full In, Double rotations) with world champion tumbling coach

  • Vault - Josh Fabian
    Running drills, board entry and take-off to develop strong vaults

  • Workshop with World Class Athletes
    The journey of gymnastics, goals and motivation discussion with World Class Athletes

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